On behalf of Bluewater District School Board Chair Jane Thomson and Director of Education Lori Wilder, we are pleased to share the following holiday ecard.
View below or by clicking this
link. The full message text is also posted further below. Happy holidays!
Chair's Message:
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I would like to wish all our students, families, staff, partners, and other members of our school communities a safe, joyful, peaceful, and restful holiday season.
I hope you find plenty of opportunities to spend meaningful and cherished moments with loved ones, while enjoying all your favourite traditions at this special time.
It has been another big year for growth and excellence in Bluewater District School Board. There is much to be proud of and thankful for as we reflect on 2024. It takes many skilled, supportive, and caring hands to build strong school communities. Thank you all! I look forward to our continued work together in the year ahead.
Enjoy the holidays and see you in 2025!
Jane Thomson
Chair of the Board
Director's Message:
It is my pleasure to send along warmest holiday greetings and wishes, on behalf of Bluewater District School Board’s senior leadership team.
As we wind down 2024, there are many individuals deserving of acknowledgement: our amazing students, expert staff who fulfill a diversity of roles across our system, remarkable parents/guardians and family members, dedicated trustees, passionate volunteers, and wonderful partners. Your contributions to student success and well-being over the past year are beyond measure and sincerely appreciated.
While the holidays can be an especially busy time, it is important to find opportunities for respite and care for ourselves and each other. No matter your traditions, I hope you discover the magic in the creation of lasting memories among family and friends.
Have a fantastic holiday season and New Year’s!
Lori Wilder
Director of Education