Bluewater District School Board

Bluewater's Board Meeting Highlights - December 3, 2024 page

Board Meeting Highlights - December 3, 2024

Board Meeting Highlights - December 3, 2024
Posted on 12/03/2024
Board Meeting Highlights graphic depicting BWDSB logo and Education CentreBoard Meeting Highlights graphic depicting BWDSB logo and Education Centre

A Special Regular Meeting of the Board was held for trustees to consider written submissions and make a final determination on sanctions related to a Trustee Code of Conduct complaint against Trustee Derrick Long.

Trustees approved the following motions:

That the Bluewater District School Board confirm the determination made on November 5, 2024 that Trustee Long has contravened the Trustee Code of Conduct, specifically sections 3.1 (i), 3.1 (ii), 3.1 (iii), 3.3 (ii), 3.4 (iv), 3.4 (v) and 3.5 (i), as outlined in the Integrity Commissioner’s Report.

That the Bluewater District School Board confirm the sanctions imposed on Trustee Long at the Special Regular Meeting of the Board on November 5, 2024, as follows:
  • That the Board of Trustees censure Trustee Long
  • That the Board of Trustees bar Trustee Long from sitting on all committees of the board, for the period of 90 days, beginning January 6, 2025
Censure Statement

At the Special Regular Meeting of the Board held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, the Board of Trustees determined by vote that Trustee Derrick Long contravened multiple sections of the Trustee Code of Conduct. As one of the approved sanctions, the Board of Trustees agreed to censure Trustee Long. This statement serves as the public censure of Trustee Long.

The Board of Trustees has voted in favour of accepting the results of the investigation carried out by the Integrity Commissioner, which has found that Trustee Long breached the following sections of the Trustee Code of Conduct:

3.1 (i) Trustees shall discharge their duties loyally, faithfully, impartially and in a manner that will inspire public confidence in the abilities and integrity of the board.

3.1 (ii) Trustees, as leaders of the board, must uphold the dignity of the office and conduct themselves in a professional manner, especially when attending board events, or while on board property.

3.1 (iii) Trustees shall ensure their comments are issue-based and not personal, demeaning or disparaging with regard to board staff or fellow trustees.

3.3 (ii) Every trustee shall uphold the letter and spirit of this code of conduct.

3.4 (iv) Trustees shall at all times act with decorum and shall be respectful of other trustees, staff, students, and the public.

3.4 (v) All trustees shall endeavour to work with other trustees and staff in a spirit of respect, openness, courtesy, and co-operation.

3.5 (i) Every trustee shall keep confidential any information disclosed or discussed at a meeting of the board or board committee, or part of a meeting of the board or board committee, that was held in-camera, and keep confidential the substance of deliberations of an in-camera meeting, unless required to divulge such information by law or authorized by the board to do so.

As duly elected trustees of Bluewater District School Board, we are collectively and individually held to a high standard of behaviour and level of accountability in our public service to the communities we serve. Each of us has a duty to act with decorum and respect in our representation of all students and families across our district. This extends to our interactions with staff, other trustees, and the broader public. Trustees are expected to demonstrate and role model the exemplary behavior we aim to cultivate in our students.

Trustee Long had consistently fallen short in this area by failing to act with respect and professionalism at board meetings, and in interactions outside of board meetings. These interactions have left staff and trustees feeling harassed, threatened, and uncomfortable.

Along with trustees and staff, some of our students have also been negatively impacted by Trustee Long’s conduct through their witnessing of behaviours that have contributed to undue stress and a loss of morale. It is important to also acknowledge the overall impact to our entire board through reputational damage to the organization, and the jeopardizing of public confidence in the Board of Trustees and among students, families, staff, media, and our communities.

Trustee Long has acted in a manner that is inconsistent with “a safe, accepting, and caring environment,” as referenced in our current board mission. He has repeatedly engaged with others in a way that is contrary to the board’s values and his role as a trustee.

As the Board of Trustees, ensuring we are performing our duties and acting in ways that do not contravene the Trustee Code of Conduct are obligations that we take very seriously. We recognize that Trustee Long has expressed, in his written response, some regret and acknowledgement of the impact of his actions. We hope that he will use this experience as an opportunity to take the necessary steps to rebuild relationships and address certain behaviours moving forward.

View the meeting agenda and Trustee Long's written response.

View the video recording of the meeting.

Next Regular Meeting of the Board - December 17, 2024
Next Committee of the Whole Board Meeting – January 7, 2025
Bluewater District School Board is located on the traditional land of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, which is represented by the communities of Saugeen First Nation and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation.
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