Bluewater District School Board

Bluewater's Chair and Director: Back-to-School Message page

Chair and Director: Back-to-School Message

Chair and Director: Back-to-School Message
Posted on 09/03/2024
Message from the Chair and Director graphic with BWDSB logo and circular framed images with captions for Jane Thomson, Chair and Lori Wilder, Director of Education; animated blue wave in backgroundMessage from the Chair and Director graphic with BWDSB logo and circular framed images with captions for Jane Thomson, Chair and Lori Wilder, Director of Education; animated blue wave in background
Welcome to the 2024- 2025 school year!

Most of us have at least one amusing recollection and lesson learned from our back-to-school experiences. On the first day of class, we thought we would share a few of ours:

Chair Thomson: I always liked school. I remember looking forward to going back in September to see my friends, find out who my teacher would be, and learn who would be in my class. Though after a few days, I recall thinking how it would be nice to have a few more summer holidays! While I tended to avoid the spotlight, I always found ways to get involved. This tendency followed me throughout my elementary and secondary years, and into my adult life. It was my general appreciation for school and involvement in many aspects of school life that eventually led to my interest in running for trustee. In the kindergarten class photo, I can be seen standing next to my classmate, Mary, who remains a close friend to this day. If there are any words of wisdom that I can impart to students (and staff too) from my personal school experience, it is to get involved somehow, some way in your school community. Create and curate your own journey. Find your niche and your friends (like I did with Mary!), and your possibilities will grow and flourish. I would also encourage you to save some photos as they may come in handy many years from now!

Director Wilder: Even though I pursued a career in education, my ‘calling’ and strong feelings about school were not necessarily evident on day one. (The expression on my face in the photo says it all!) Despite the photo, my kindergarten report card said that I showed enthusiasm for schoolwork, and in my Grade 2 report card, I was referred to as “a clever little charmer.” To this day, I am still unsure it was entirely intended as a compliment! My key takeaway was that we each deal with ‘school jitters’ differently. Whether you are shy, a social butterfly, or somewhere in between, I encourage you, our new and returning students and staff, to always lean into your authentic selves. For our schools and work sites to be diverse, dynamic, and excellent, we need ALL of you, with your unique individual characteristics, backgrounds, skills, and talents. Thank you for being part of Bluewater!

On behalf of our trustees and senior leadership team, we express a special ‘thank you’ to our staff who worked diligently over the summer maintaining operations and preparing our schools and systems for our September return. Our schools and work sites are in tip top shape for learning and working, and ready to welcome one and all.

Best wishes to all our students, families, staff, partners, and volunteers for a successful and rewarding school year ahead!
Black and white class photo with caption: Chair Thomson with her best friend Mary (to her right) in a kindergarten class photo.
Black and white school photo with caption: Director Wilder as a young learner.
Bluewater District School Board is located on the traditional land of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, which is represented by the communities of Saugeen First Nation and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation.
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