Bluewater District School Board

Bluewater's SAL Student Forum a Celebration of Success page

SAL Student Forum a Celebration of Success

SAL Student Forum a Celebration of Success
Posted on 06/13/2024
Trustee Lutz presents certificate to studentApproximately 30 students from across Bluewater District School Board (BWDSB) enrolled in the Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) program attended a first-time forum to lend their voices and celebrate the year-end.

Coordinated by the Learning Services – Student Support department at the BWDSB Education Centre, the SAL Student Forum on Thursday, June 13, 2024 featured a packed agenda of presentations, opportunities for dialogue, activities, and games.

To help kick start the day, Jackie Ralph from Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce engaged students with a talk and Kahoot! ice breaker activity, which included polling the group on a series of mental health related questions. Students then participated in small group table discussions to share their feedback on the program and the ways in which SAL has benefited them. During the afternoon, each student received a wellness kit with a water bottle, grocery store gift card, self-help resources for the summer months, and a succulent plant, among other unique items for supporting well-being and personal hygiene. The day concluded with a celebration of this year’s graduates with remarks and the distribution of certificates by BWDSB Trustee Katie Lutz and final thoughts from SAL teachers.

As outlined in Ontario Regulation 374/10 of the Education Act, SAL enables students with significant difficulties regularly attending school an alternative learning experience and individualized plan for progressing towards an Ontario Secondary School Diploma or other goals.

A program provided through the Ministry of Education, SAL students benefit from a non-traditional classroom setting, which allows opportunities for growth, increased confidence, and skill acquisition in decision-making, self-discipline, and independence, to name a few. Learning occurs across a wide range of community locations, from libraries to coffee shops to designated hubs within schools. Students may work full or part time while completing studies, gain co-op credits, and receive ongoing support through guidance and counselling. With the goal of preparing students to eventually return to their home school for secondary completion, maintaining strong connections with the home school is encouraged.

The BWDSB SAL program is a huge asset in ensuring that all students within the district have the chance to learn, thrive, and succeed.
Bluewater District School Board is located on the traditional land of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, which is represented by the communities of Saugeen First Nation and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation.
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