Bluewater District School Board

Bluewater's Try Like Terry page

Try Like Terry

Try Like Terry
Posted on 10/25/2021
L-R: Bonnie Miller - co-op teacher, Rebekah Walker - drama and English teacher, Kim Harbinson - Principal standing in front of "Try Like Terry" bulletin boardAs tradition would have it, this time of year signals an outpouring of support for Terry Fox Run activities in our schools.  Since the beginning of annual Terry Fox School Run events, Bluewater District School Board schools have collectively hit a fundraising milestone of $750,000, which was recognized earlier this year.  

This tradition of generosity and support for the Terry Fox Foundation has continued in the 2021 - 2022 school year.  John Diefenbaker Senior School (JDSS) is one of many shining examples of the efforts of students and staff to raise money for cancer research.  As one of the few schools in Canada that has participated in the Terry Fox Run every year since the school runs began in 1995, students and staff kicked off this year's event during the week prior to the run with the "Try Like Terry" campaign.  Staff members awarded cards to students who demonstrated a "Try Like Terry" attitude.  Cards were displayed outside the main office for all members of the school community to see.

During the morning of September 29, all classes were able to be part of a live 20-minute presentation by Terry Fox’s brother, Fred Fox.  In the afternoon, classes took turns enjoying some lovely weather for a safely distanced walk around the school track.

This year, JDSS students helped raise more than $2,500.  This is the second highest amount for the school after last year’s 40th anniversary special event.  Ms. Gilkinson's Grade 8 class won a pizza party as the homeroom raising the most money.

Thanks are extended to this year’s event organizers, teachers Nicole Donnelly and Samantha Pym, who shared the following comments:

“Things are so different for our students these days.  It is so important that we offer them activities like this... that they have come to look forward to every year.  The sense of consistence and normalcy that continuing the Terry Fox tradition at JDSS gives them is vital, and we appreciate the work done to keep these programs running in such a difficult time.”

Students were able to donate through SchoolCash Online, their classroom teacher, or the Terry Fox Foundation website.

Last year’s JDSS Terry Fox Run brought in $2,699.15.  The school’s fundraising grand total from 26 runs is $22,768.92.

Article written by: Rebekah Walker, JDSS Teacher

Bluewater District School Board is located on the traditional land of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, which is represented by the communities of Saugeen First Nation and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation.
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