Bluewater District School Board

Bluewater's Learning Services - Student Success page

Learning Services - Student Success

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow

Student Success

Student Success programs enable Grade 7 to 12 students to work towards their education goals focusing on individual strengths and interests.  Every student has their own way of learning, and will choose their unique pathway into post-secondary education, a skilled trade, or the workplace.

Student Success is built on the foundation of:
pathways, and
community, culture and caring

A variety of support is available to ensure students are successful.
School based student success contact teachers, transition teachers, and guidance department staff, along with system teachers dedicated to experiential learning, dual credit, Flex programs, and professional development, work collaboratively to provide a number of learning opportunities.    

Bluewater District School Board has nine secondary school locations with a range of co-operative education opportunities, Specialist High Skills Major courses and certifications, dual credit programs (partnering with local colleges), along with a multitude of apprenticeship options.


                   A photograph of secondary students wearing graduation caps and gowns.

Student Support and Bursaries

Students are facing may challenges that could influence their academic studies, employment, and career path.  Through new bursaries and funding outlined below, students may access financial assistance. 

1.  Grade 7 to 12 Indigenous Student Support
 Indigenous Graduation Coaches, Bob Bell and Julie Schuster, support Indigenous students achieve academic and graduation goals, post-secondary learning, apprenticeship, and skilled trades opportunities.  Coaches can also provide financial support to any students facing barriers to student success.  

Contact the Indigenous Grad Coaches by email for more information:
Rebecca Chegahno, [email protected] and Julie Schuster, [email protected]

2.  Skilled Trades Bursary Program
The Ministry of Education is supporting students who interested in pursuing a career in skilled trades, participating or have participated in cooperative education, and are facing barriers to graduation with $1000 bursaries.  

To be eligible for these funds, students:
-must be in Grade 11 or 12;
-will have earned or are earning two cooperative education credits in skilled trades-based placements
-be engaged in post-secondary planning to a skilled-trades destination;
-have financial or other barriers to being able to complete their Ontario Secondary School Diploma; and
-demonstrate leadership skills such as mentorship, participating in a conference, and/or sharing experiences with the student population.  

The intent of this bursary is to help students financially while encouraging them to stay in school.  Please note that only one bursary may be granted per student.  

*Please see your guidance, student success, or cooperative education teacher for more information.  

3.  Learn and Work Bursary Program
The Ministry of Education is supporting students who are participating or have participated in cooperative education and are facing barriers to graduation with $1000 bursaries. 

To be eligible for these funds, students:
-must be in Grade 11 or 12;
-will have earned or are earing two cooperative education credits; and
-have financial and other barriers to completing their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

The intent of this bursary is to help students financially while encouraging them to stay in school.  Please note that only one bursary may be granted per student. 

*Please see your guidance, student success, or cooperative education teacher for more information. 

Bluewater District School Board is located on the traditional land of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, which is represented by the communities of Saugeen First Nation and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation.
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