Bluewater District School Board is committed to fostering a safe and supportive learning environment for all students and staff, as stated in Priority #1 of the Strategic Plan. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are key components of this priority. Below is an infographic that represents the areas that BWDSB is currently focusing on as we identify, challenge, and address systemic racism, bias, discrimination, and prevailing structures.
Stephen Lewis
Addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion through a global lens, Stephen Lewis spoke to students across Bluewater District School Board on April 29, 2021.
"If you take on an issue and fight for it in a principled way, you can move mountains – and there are lots of mountains out there worth moving.”
This was the powerful message delivered to Bluewater District School Board Grades 7 to 12 students during a virtual presentation on Thursday, April 29, 2021 featuring well-known and respected humanitarian Stephen Lewis. As a precursor to Education Week, it was a unique opportunity to learn about the importance of education as an agent of change.
As a highly ranked Companion of the Order of Canada, Lewis has dedicated his extensive career to improving the human condition at home and abroad. His educational background includes 42 honorary degrees from universities in Canada and the United States. He is a former leader of the Ontario New Democratic Party, and once served in the distinguished positions of Canada’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF, and UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa. Currently, his work involves co-chairing the board of the Stephen Lewis Foundation and co-directing the international advocacy organization, AIDS-Free World.
Indigenous Narrative
"I want to go to school."
"You can move mountains."
February is Black History Month

Image is courtesy of Ottawa Catholic District School Board.
What is Black History Month?
Black History Month is one month dedicated each calendar year to acknowledging the important achievements and contributions of Black Canadians to the history, culture, and overall fabric of Canada as a nation.
Below are links to support classroom discussions about Black History:
OSSTF (Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation) Black History Month Resources
ETFO (Elementary Teachers' Assocation) Black History Month Resources
The danger of a single story

Resources for Bluewater educators:
Quotations from Remarkable Black Canadians:
Calendars for Primary and Junior:
Black History Resources:
Take a look in your school for the book 'Trailblazers: The Black Pioneers Who Have Shaped Canada.' This book highlights over 40 Black Canadians who have made significant contributions to Canadian history.

Below is an interview with the author, Tiyahna Ridley-Padmore.
How can I use this as a resource in my classroom?
Link to the resource below: Ideas for How to Use the Book