Committee Name
Trustee Representation
Business Committee of the Whole Board
Committee Chair: election of chair
by the committee at its initial meeting
Committee Chair: Jan Johnstone
Tracy Lynn Atkinson
Michael Craig
Derrick Long
Katie Lutz
Marilyn McComb
Fran Morgan
Richelle Ritchie
Jane Thomson
Committee of the Whole Board
Committee Chair: chair /
vice-chair (alternating)
Chair: Jane Thomson
Vice-Chair: Jan Johnstone
Tracy Lynn Atkinson
Michael Craig
Derrick Long
Katie Lutz
Marilyn McComb
Richelle Ritchie
Fran Morgan
Statutory Committees |
Committee Name |
Trustee Representation
Audit Committee
Jan Johnstone
Jane Thomson
Derrick Long
Parent Involvement Committee (PIC)
Tracy Lynn Atkinson
Alternate: Katie Lutz
Special Education
Advisory Committee (SEAC)
Committee Chair: election of chair
by the committee at its initial meeting
Committee Chair: Tracy Lynn Atkinson
Michael Craig
FN: Richelle Ritchie
Alternate: Marilyn McComb
Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL)
Fran Morgan
Katie Lutz
Alternate:Tracy Lynn Atkinson
Other Committees with Trustee Representation |
Committee Name
Trustee Representation
Central Health and Safety
Steering Committee (CHSSC)
Tracy Lynn Atkinson
Jane Thomson
Alternate: Katie Lutz
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive
Education Committee
Michael Craig
Alternate: Katie Lutz
Executive Committee
Chair: Jane Thomson
Vice-Chair: Jan Johnstone
Indigenous Education
Advisory Committee (IEAC)
Chair: Jane Thomson
FN: Richelle Ritchie
Nawash First Nation Education Committee
FN: Richelle Ritchie
Area Trustee: Jane Thomson
OPSBA Board of Directors
Jan Johnstone
Policy Standing Committee
Committee Chair:
Jan Johnstone
Derrick Long
Katie Lutz
Fran Morgan
Jane Thomson
Principal / Vice-Principal
Staffing Committee
Chair: Jane Thomson
Vice-Chair: Jan Johnstone
Tracy Lynn Atkinson
Saugeen First Nation Education Committee
FN: Richelle Ritchie
Area Trustee: Katie Lutz
School Year Calendar
Chair: Jane Thomson
Suspension Appeal / Expulsion
Committee of the Board
Chair: Jane Thomson
Fran Morgan
Katie Lutz
Alternate: Tracy Lynn Atkinson
Textbook Appeal Committee
Michael Craig
Katie Lutz
Union / Trustee / Administration (UTA)
Tracy Lynn Atkinson
Fran Morgan
Michael Craig
Alternate: Katie Lutz