Bluewater District School Board

Bluewater's JDSS Terry Fox School Run a Success page

JDSS Terry Fox School Run a Success

JDSS Terry Fox School Run a Success
Posted on 10/08/2020
Despite the challenges of COVID-19, many schools in Bluewater District School Board have been finding creative ways to hold successful Terry Fox Run events.  A recent example of this is John Diefenbaker Senior School, where students and staff raised just over $2,620 for the Terry Fox Foundation.  This is the largest amount JDSS has ever raised for the foundation in any year since the school began participating in 1995.

The JDSS Terry Fox School Run was held on Monday, October 5th, which saw a 'Trojan on the Track for Terry' throughout the entire day.  Over 100 students signed up to be runners, all of whom maintained physical distance during their shifts.  The run was organized by parent volunteer Julie Bouius, her son Tristan, who is a Grade 11 student, and teacher Nicole Donnelly.  Classes were scheduled to join the all day runners with each class having a turn to walk and reflect on Terry Fox, and his legacy of hope and inspiration.

The year 2020 marks the 40th Anniversary of Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope.  Students were invited to consider 40 positive messages in memory of Terry.  This idea was widely interpreted by various classes in the school, including one class that committed to doing 40 random acts of kindness.  

Two classes in particular deserve special recognition.  The Grade 7/8 French Immersion classes taught by John Mitchell and Robert Lessard together raised almost $1,200, embodying the JDSS motto, "Enter to learn, go forth to serve".

In a year when numerous charities have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is truly amazing that JDSS has risen above expectations to support the Terry Fox Foundation.  Terry's spirit of resilience and hope has endured and certainly resonated with JDSS Trojans in 2020.  The school is very proud of its students and their big hearts.  With this year's fundraising, JDSS has raised over $20,000 for the Terry Fox Foundation since retired teacher Faye Sullivan launched the school's run participation 25 years ago.  

Those wishing to support the cause and sponsor JDSS can contact the school for more information.

Credit for photos: Keith Dempsey of PostMedia, Hanover
Image of student runners in action; photo credit: Keith Dempsey of PostMedia, Hanover
Group photo image of Grade 7/8 class; photo credit: Keith Dempsey of PostMedia, Hanover
Group photo image of Grade 7/8 class; photo credit: Keith Dempsey of PostMedia, Hanover
Bluewater District School Board is located on the traditional land of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, which is represented by the communities of Saugeen First Nation and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation.
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