Bluewater District School Board

Bluewater's BWDSB Surpasses Another Terry Fox Milestone page

BWDSB Surpasses Another Terry Fox Milestone

BWDSB Surpasses Another Terry Fox Milestone
Posted on 04/12/2022
Terry Fox Milestone Award plaque from the Terry Fox Foundation presented to Bluewater District School Board in recognition of outstanding effort fundraising for cancer research; $850,000 as of 2021; "Even if I don't finish, we need others to continue. It's got to keep going without me." - Terry FoxBluewater District School Board has achieved another significant milestone in supporting cancer research.  The Terry Fox Foundation has awarded Bluewater with a milestone plaque for fundraising efforts that have surpassed $850,000 since the foundation's inception.

This past year, Bluewater schools raised approximately $60,000 through Terry Fox School Run events, which is almost double the previous year’s amount of over $34,315 when schools sought creative ways to raise funds during the height of pandemic restrictions.

“Terry never faltered in his determination to bring an end to this terrible disease.  We are honoured to see your family of schools bring the same strength and spirit to this fight.  In 2021, our message to schools was to ‘Try Like Terry’ and your family of schools did just that!” – Terry Fox Foundation

We congratulate and thank the students, staff, families, and members of our school communities whose kindness, hard work, passion, and generosity were instrumental in this latest milestone accomplishment for a truly great cause.

Bluewater District School Board is located on the traditional land of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, which is represented by the communities of Saugeen First Nation and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation.
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