May 1 to 7 is Mental Health Week across Canada! The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) theme for 2023 is “My Story”. As humans, each of us has a story to tell about who we are, and the experiences that have shaped our lives and impacted our mental health and well-being. This week, we think about the unique stories that we all carry and consider how we individually protect and nurture our own mental health.
Bluewater District School Board students and staff continue to promote learning and awareness throughout the year aimed at reducing stigma, encouraging help seeking, and supporting positive well-being.
Daily themes have been developed as a framework to initiate participation and discussions in our schools and work sites throughout Mental Health Week:
Monday – “We All Have a Story”
Tuesday – “Discovering Our Values”
Wednesday – “Asking for Help”
Thursday – “Accepting Ourselves and Others”
Friday – “Have Fun and Take Care of Yourself”
Each theme includes videos and activities that have been shared with schools to foster participation and engagement among students within their classes.
Every year since 1951, CMHA has hosted Mental Health Week during the first full week in May. Locally, CMHA Grey-Bruce is hosting a BBQ on Monday, May 1 to kick off the week and featuring several mental health awareness activities and speakers:
On Saturday, May 6, the Grade 12 Leadership Class at Owen Sound District Secondary School will be holding the first ever Walk to Talk in support of mental health awareness programs of CMHA Grey-Bruce. Everyone is welcome. Learn more:
Learn more about this year’s Mental Health Week: