At the Regular Meeting of the Board on December 17, 2024, the Board of Trustees approved board policy BP 1101-D “Bluewater District School Board Strategic Plan” as revised for system use.
Motions to initiate the process of developing the board's Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP) and to conduct a survey to gather public input were approved by trustees on May 21, 2024. Feedback from the survey, which ran from May 23 until June 30, was used to inform trustees in their review of the MYSP during the fall of 2024. Proposed changes to the MYSP were incorporated into the board policy referenced above for review by the Policy Standing Committee at their November 2024 meeting.
The revised MYSP outlined below sets the direction for Bluewater District School Board in the upcoming years.
Always Learning, Learning All Ways
To provide a quality educational experience for every student in a safe and inclusive environment
Priority 1: Safe Supportive Learning Community