The accompanying consolidated financial statements of the Bluewater District School Board are the responsibility of the Board management and have been prepared in accordance with the Financial Administration Act, supplemented by Ontario Ministry of Education memorandum 2004:B2 and Ontario Regulation 395/11 of the Financial Administration Act, as described in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements.
The preparation of consolidated financial statements necessarily involves the use of estimates based on management's judgement, particularly when transactions affecting the current accounting period cannot be finalized with certainty until future periods.
Board management maintains a system of internal controls designed to provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded, transactions are properly authorized and recorded in compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements, and reliable financial information is available on a timely basis for preparation of the consolidated financial statements. These systems are monitored and evaluated by management.
The Audit Committee of the Board meets with the external auditors to review the consolidated financial statements and discuss any significant financial reporting or internal control matters prior to the board's approval of the consolidated financial statements.
The consolidated financial statements have been audited by BDO Canada LLP, independent external auditors appointed by the Board. The accompanying 2022-23 Financial Statements outlines their responsibilities, the scope of their examination and their opinion on the board’s consolidated financial statements.
Lori Wilder
Rob Cummings
Director of Education and Secretary
Superintendent of Business Services
Dated November 21, 2023
To view the staff report to the Board of Trustees to accompany the 2022-23 Financial Statements, click 2022-23 Financial Statements Report to Board.