Committee of the Whole In-Camera Report
Trustees approved ratification of the following:
Memoranda of Settlement with OSSTF District 7 – ESP for the period September 1, 2022, to AUGUST 31, 2026, pending an agreement and ratification of the central terms between OSSTF – Education Workers, which represents ESP District 7, and OPSBA
Memoranda of Settlement with OSSTF District 7, for the period September 1, 2022, to August 31, 2026, pending an agreement and ratification of the central terms between OSSTF, which represents District 7, and OPSBA and pending the ratification of the Memorandum of Settlement by the Local OSSTF District 7
Memoranda of Settlement with OSSTF – Occasional Teachers (OTs), for the period September 1, 2022, to August 31, 2026, pending an agreement and ratification of the central terms between OSSTF which represents OSSTF – OTs and OPSBA, and pending the ratification of the Memorandum of Settlement by Local OSSTF District 7 – OTs
Committee Appointments
Trustees Tracy Lynn Atkinson and Katie Lutz were appointed as alternates to the Code of Conduct committee as per board policy BP 1108-D “Code of Conduct – Trustees”.
Student Senate Report
Student Trustee Ethan Enns provided an update on several activities that have been occurring across the district. These include a Women’s History Month fundraiser and the first Black Student Forum at Grey Highlands Secondary School, a pajama day, and coffee house and trip fundraisers at Owen Sound District Secondary School, girls’ softball at Walkerton District Community School, and a talent show at Saugeen District Senior School. At Georgian Bay Community School, students are moving on to the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) for badminton.
Other district wide activities highlighted were the Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF) assessment, and team start-ups for soccer, rubgy, and mountain biking.
A representative from Grey Bruce Public Health attended a recent Student Senate meeting to share information and resources for schools related to vaping.
Early Reading Screening and Interventions
A presentation on Bluewater District School Board’s response to the province-wide inquiry by the Ontario Human Rights Commission into the impact of learning disabilities on students highlighted early reading screening, explicit and systemic reading instruction, and targeted reading intervention. Several initiatives supported by in-school coaches were shared.
Black Student Forum
Trustees learned about Bluewater District School Board’s first Black Student Forum held recently at Grey Highlands Secondary School featuring guest speaker Orlando Bowen and student workshops. The event was aimed at inspiring and empowering Black youth to become leaders of positive change in their schools and communities. Feedback from the day will help to inform staff on next steps to ensure increased well-being and success for students.
View the
meeting agenda and attached reports.
View the
video recording of the meeting.
Next Committee of the Whole Board Meeting – May 7, 2024
Next Regular Meeting of the Board – May 21, 2024