Bluewater District School Board

Bluewater's Student Demographic Census page

Student Demographic Census

Graphic: Your Voice Matters! Student  Demographic Census 2024 logo; All Grade 9 to 12 students are invited to participate in our voluntary and confidential survey! Graphic displays animated diverse individuals and BWDSB logo

Secondary students are being asked to participate in Bluewater District School Board's 2024-2025 student demographic census taking place in September 2024. The Ministry of Education requires that school boards in Ontario collect voluntary student demographic data to ensure that action plans are responsive to demographic representation and local needs.

Why are students being asked these questions and what will this information be used for?

The Ontario Ministry of Education requires that school boards collect, analyze, and publicly report on voluntary student human rights data. The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) has found that data collection can play a useful and often essential role in creating strong human rights and human resources strategies for organizations in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. School boards must utilize voluntary student demographic data to relate key social identities to student outcomes and experiences to ensure that action plans are responsive to local needs.

Why should students fully complete the survey?

All students are asked to complete all questions to ensure an accurate representation of every person in the student population. Although some questions may not be applicable to every student, the survey is designed to provide an opportunity for students to have their voice heard. In addition, all data helps complete the picture of student identity in Bluewater District School Board. Therefore, students should be encouraged to answer all questions, and to do so in a manner that best reflects their own experiences.

Is this type of information permitted to be collected from youth?

Collecting and analyzing data on grounds of the Ontario Human Rights Code for a Code-consistent purpose is allowed and is supported by Canada’s human rights legislative framework. Permission for school boards to collect, analyze, and publicly report on voluntary student race-based data is regulated by the Anti-Racism Act, 2017 and Ontario’s Data Standards for the Identification and Monitoring of Systemic Racism (also known as the Anti-Racism Data Standards). The census questions have also been developed and reviewed by educational researchers across Ontario.

How did you come up with these questions?

This survey uses a template that was guided by the Ontario Ministry of Education for the purposes of collecting student demographic information. This template is used throughout school boards in Ontario to ensure consistency of data.

What are the objectives of the census?

Regular data collection of the student population is required to support effective development and monitoring of programs aimed at improving student outcomes and eliminating barriers to success for students. Census data will be used to assess how groups perform in student indicators tracked by the Ministry of Education.

What are the risks of participation to students?

Most youth in Grades 9 to 12 are already familiar with these topic areas, which form part of the Ontario school curriculum. It is not anticipated that students would experience any risks from participation in this survey. However, there is the possibility that some students may be exposed to topics that are new to them.

How will student privacy and confidentiality be protected?

Answers to the survey are confidential. No student names will be shared once survey data is collected. After completing the survey, student responses will be submitted securely for research processing. All results generated from the survey data collected will only be reported in groups (e.g., grade, race) to ensure confidentiality of all participating students. Any information provided will remain completely confidential and will be protected under the terms of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).

What are the consequences of not participating?

Participation in the Student Demographic Census is totally voluntary for students.

What are the benefits of participating?

The census will provide Bluewater District School Board and the community with timely and reliable data on student demographic information and student success. The potential benefits of participating are far-reaching:
  • For parents/guardians: This survey provides an opportunity to talk with their children about background and identity, as well as barriers and well-being.

  • For schools: Participating in the census can help schools create a supportive environment. For example, by using the results, schools can educate their school community about student identity, as well as create policies and programs to improve student outcomes. Results can be shared with parents/guardians and school committees to raise awareness of social issues.

  • For municipalities and Ontario: The census results can help our municipal and provincial governments identify areas of concern and emerging trends which are used in developing and improving programs and policies that will make a positive difference. Trends are monitored over time and inform the development and evaluation of human rights policies and programs. The data collected will contribute to the evidence base for decision-making within Ontario’s Human Rights framework.
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Bluewater District School Board is located on the traditional land of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, which is represented by the communities of Saugeen First Nation and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation.
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